Saturday, December 12, 2015



  • On the chapter 3 and 4, talk about the discrimination of the poor indefensible Jews, they live a really hard life. On the first one it talks about, Hitler´s mobilization of troops around the Jewish cities like Poland, Holland, etc... It also talks about a family that escape from Germany to Jerusalem, but on the way they need to face terrible things, this family had a big son that live in Paris, when he informed about the situation of his family he went to the embassy of Germany and shoot a official, he die.  And on the other chapter they talk about Hitler´s big idea of send Jews, apart to concentration camps, to the "Ghettos", there were small villages constructed from Nazis to Jews. There were a lot of them around Europe, territory Nazi, from Italy, Poland, and Germany. On each room they lived like 12 people, with bathroom and 2 beds. 



  • "The Nazis found many willing helpers throughout Europe. The most numerous and energetic were volunteers from the Ukraine, a part of Russia, and from Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia. They became helpers not only in their own countries but also countries but also in Poland. And not only in the ghettos but also in the death camps."

  • What I find interesting on this quote is that I have some few questions for the author. Does the author had a Jew familiar that participate on the WW2? Did the volunteers became slaves? And the last question, Does Ukraine, Russia. and Estonia were allies of Hitler?


  • In conclusion, I´m glad to inform you some data of the nazi party. Some of the nazi soldiers open their eyes, and watched that Hitler was devil. Those soldiers wanted to kill Hitler and demonstrate the world that there were not the same. Unfortunately they don´t success, they got killed all the Nazis against the Fuhrer, but remember they were not the same!!! This video will show you.  

Sunday, November 22, 2015

1933-1945, Never Desired Date


  • I 'm back with a new novel, and more entertainment. This new novel is called, "A NIGHTMARE IN HISTORY, THE HOLOCAUST 1933-1945", written by MIRIAM CHAIKIN. I start reading the first 2 chapters so far and this is what happens. On the first one, they just explain how the Anti-Semitism born, from Noah then from their sons, jews, Iraq, Israelites, Jerusalem, and etc..., until the 2 world war. And on the second chapter, they informed you about the worst man ever, ADOLF HITLER. From his childhood to the end of World War 1, everybody bother him all the life, but when he became the supreme leader, THE FUHRER, and form the nation of Nazis everybody got scared. Immediate when he got a lot of power he and Himmler started constructing the concentration camps for the people that Hitler hate much, JEWS.



  • "The black-shirted SCHUTZSTAFFEL- security squad- was made up of several units. It´s initals were SS. The SS were the elite of the Nazi party- doctors, professors, lawyers, and members of other professions- chosen for leadership qualities and a devotion to Hitler. They ere trained to be cruel and ruthless. Himmler was in charge of this elite unit." page # (28-29).

  • What I find interesting on this quote is that, I am really good at the history of WW2 I love it. But I really don´t know was that the SS ruled by Himmler, had small groups that form or made from the SS. So there´s the SS, and from that elite unite there are small groups with soldiers even worst of the SS. An example of a small group are the SD (Storm Troopers). 


  • In conclusion, I love this book and I´m sure you will love it too. It´s sad very sad, but the novel leaves us the message of how brave the Jews were in that time. And also it leaves us the idea of how bad Hitler was. I really have a good feeling with this new book.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

STOLE!, is the new Cool!


  • In this chapter almost nothing interesting happened. First Joey infiltrate with Newt, (the milk delivery man), to Mr. Dillon`s house to investigate something Joey was feeling, after a moment they ran broking the window and escaping, but the bad new was that a neighbor watched them. Then, Joey got home and Ma told him that police was searching for him because they believed he stole something from Mr. Dillon`s house. But they were incorrect, Pa don`t trust him so Joey reveled something that he find out, he said to Ma and Pa that all the things that Mr. Dillon has are stolen because he stoled all the money from all the people that work for him. After this, a terrible thing happened the National Bank of the city closed their doors, and all the money from Kate`s dad was lost, so Kate and his family was suffering and Joey was feeling bad about the situation. And the end winter had just started, civilians like Jew people were marching because of the bank, but the most important was the story of Pa that said to Joey when he was at the army.    


  • "Joey! What`s going on? You`re in bad trouble!" Ma said. "What`d I do now?" "The police think you stole from Mr. Dillon! They were here for an hour-they just left." Page # 63.
  • This quote makes me have a some very good questions for the author. If cops were searching Joey desperate why do they leave? If they are really professional cops they need to stay and wait for the suspicious victim. So this confuse me a little bit, the author needs to think on this please!!!   


  • And after I said goodbye I will let this song for you, this is what I think of this four chapters of the book. OMG!!!, also I think this because I don`t know I feel is getting more and more excited this book full of lessons.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Joey is very BOLD!!!


  • Since chapter 5 to 8, Joey has rebelled. First, Joey and Kate went to the museum of downtown but when they got there they get the surprise of Hank the bully of the school, after they traveled the museum Hank saw Joey´s father he went to greet, but Joey was shame of his father. Then second, Kate told Joey about the job of his father, he work in the newspaper a very important job. Third Joey stay late in the night because he suspected about Ma and he was true, Joey hear Pa discussing with Ma about, from were does she get money to buy things in the market, it was a long discussion. And in the last chapter, Kate said to Joey that they fired his dad with no reason from the newspaper but also Joey make a plan, he went to Mr. Dillons`s house dressed of someone else, when they got to the house he insult him with a lot of words, after Dillon stay in shock they run away with exciting and laughing. 


  • "What`s the matter with you, Joey? That was your father, wasn`t it? He does look like you, a little. Joey! Aren`t you going to say anything?" Page # 28.

  • This just simple quote of the book makes me remember that in my life there is a connection between me and this phrase. Because sometimes I also are shame of my parents when I am with my friends. They still feel that I am a baby, and I don`t like that anymore. And that`s what I think Joey felt when he saw his father, but also it was not the fault of Pa he was just working. 


  • In conclusion, this other 4 chapters were interesting for me because Joey is having days with better luck. But I have one question for the author, Does this story happened in real life? Does it happened to someone in your family? Because if it happened to someone just to let you know that person is very brave.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

¡OH NO!, War has Come!!!


  • Well, well, well,  I`m back for more entertainment!!!, In the first four chapters I read from these new novel named "Tough Times", this happens. There was this kid with 12 years named Joey, he live near Germany with his Ma, Pa, and Grandpa. His mom was Jew and his dad was German, his dad was private in the WW1. When he was 5 years his sister Helen died because of a virus, nobody talks about her. All the mornings when he gets back from school he has a friend named Kate, is the only friend he had. In chapter 2 the author talk about how the parents of Joey met, Ma was "American" in that time she was navigating to Germany. When she got to Germany he saw Pa working in a facility, they both met and fall in love. On 3 Joey go with Pa to work in Mr. Dillon`s house for free to wash the windows, Joey discovered that they don`t pay Pa nothing he got mad. And finally on 4, grandpa tells a story to Joey, he said that before war Pa was a horse trainer he got a magic hand for training horses, he became so famous in his district, but he never talks about that. 


  • "I knew why Pa had joined up. He was twenty five then, older than most recruits. But military service would speed up getting his citizenship papers. So he left Ma and me and my sister, Helen, in the care of Grandpa. Helen was five, and I was two. But as the war was winding up, Helen was gone. The flu epidemic. It killed millions worlwide, and somehow it took Helen but missed me. No one ever talked about my sister or about Pa's time in France." page # (6)
  • What I find interesting in this quote is that virus that killed millions and Pa`s brave act of volunteer to the German army. It was really hard for Pa to leave his family, and also it was hard to think how young people join the army, some of them were 18. I also been thinking how Joey lost his sister, poor Helen, If I lost my sister I could not live. She is a very important person in my life.


  • OMG!!! I really find interesting this book and it`s my first time reading this novel. The life of Joey is very difficult. The family lost Helen and Pa´s boss doesn't pay dad. So I will hope in the next chapters Joey has better luck. But who knows? In conclusion I like this book because there is war, and I like to study the winner of WW1 and 2, and I think this book will be excellent.

Thursday, August 27, 2015



  • This book has been one of my favorites ever, so this is what it happens in the last increadible chapters. After they scaped the island with the hippocampus they travel a long distance until they got to Miami Beach, they told Clarisse to go to the airport with the fleece and flight to the camp, so she take a taxi and do that. When she go the 4 of them turn around and there was Luke. He take them to the cruise and Percy had a plan, with his only drachma he pray to the gods for something, while luke was telling his evil plan and saying that Chiron had not the fault, he turn around and there was Mr. D, Tantalus, and all the campers in a vision, Mr. D said that Chiron can came back as director instuctor and Tantalus can go back to the underworld, Luke got really anrgy. Percy told Luke to do a duel, they figth and fight until... a lot of centaurs attacked the ship including Chiron, they escaped to a base and there Chiron talk about his history, he was son of lord kronos, the Titan. They arrived to the camp and nobody noticed because they were celebrating Clarisse bringing the fleece and one more time protecting the camp, Chiron annaunced that there will be another Chariot race so Tyson worked on a really good Chariot, with some big problems Percy and Annabeth won the race. After that Tyson talk to Percy that he needs to go, to an expedition Poseidon told him underwater, they both said goodbye and hugged. The next morning Percy got wake up like other campers, Grover said that Annabeth was in Thalia`s tree and there was a problem. Percy go with Chiron to the top to hill and they saw there was a girl, and believe it or not guess who is it... it was Thalia, daughter of Zeuz, the girl who die. BANG!!! what a great ending of the book.








  • "That`s when I turned and found a sword`s point at my throat. "Hey, cuz," said Luke. "Welcome back to the States." His bear-man thugs appeared on either of side of us."

    • This quotes make me have one single question for the author, How Luke got really fast from the triangle to Miami Beach on his ship?. That kind of data dont have common scense, and that is kind of impossible. But is just fantasy, so it`s not very important this info for kids. But if it will be true, just imagine... flight from NY to LONDON, in five 5 hours, HA HA HA.



    • Well, I guess this is the ending, is a little sad but what really makes me happy was reading and ejoying the book. I could say to Rick Riordan that I will keep reading his series of books. I think MR. Riordan had a lot of imagination and inspiration to create Percy and his adventures. And the most important thing for me of the book is that, I DONT HAVE PROBLEMS TO READING THE BOOK AND UNDERSTANDING, KEEP READING!!!















Friday, August 21, 2015

What a Brave Brother!!!


  • In the chapters # 13, 14, 15 and 16 Percy and Annabeth got into the QUENN ANNES`S REVENGE to the sea, they navigate for days in the Sea of Monsters and Annabeth told Percy the story of how they kill Thalia and why she don`t like Cyclops. While they were in the ocean they saw a island with a volcano, Annabeth said that it was one of the forges of Hephaestus were he do his stuff with metal like the Colchis Bulls, they surrounded the island because they don`t want problems and far away they saw another island that looks like the island of his dream were Grover was trapped, but they finally did it, it was the Cyclops island. When they got to the island, they saw big sheep on the beach and guess what... they were carnivorous, they jump off the boat and instead of go to the beach they surrounded it. They climb and climb, they almost go down but when they realized they were above the cave of the Cyclops, they hide and saw that below was Grover, Polyphemus, and Clarisse??!!, she survived but she ruined everything because she said the Cyclops that Grover was a Satyr, Grover said Polyphemus that he can ate him with mangos and sauce. So Cyclops go far way to the beach, Annabeth and Percy do a plan she distracted Polyphemus with his invisible cap meanwhile Percy got to the cave and there was Clarisse and Grover, Grover hugged Percy. They 3 escaped the cave but the Cyclops got Annabeth that was unconscious but one rock fall and hit the head of the Cyclops and it was TYSON!!! Percy got really happy but there was no time to be happy, Percy told Tyson to go to one oaken tree that was the Golden Fleece, Tyson was a Cyclops so the sheep will not do nothing to him, meanwhile the 3 of us go swimming to the ship but Clarisse have the brilliant idea to keep bothering the big Polyphemus, so the Cyclops gather a tree a throw it to the ship, and finally the ship sink and they got in a big problem.    


  • "When you think "monster island," you think craggy rocks and bones scattered on the beach like the island of the Sirens. But except for that, the place looked like a Caribbean postcard. It had green fields and tropical fruit trees and white beaches."

  • This quotes of the book remember me when I went to Cancún, it was so beautiful and relaxing that I don`t want to go. There were bunch of activities, and the beaches were white, and the ocean was so transparent I could see the fish. In Cancún was a lot of nature like in the book and also there were caverns like the one of Polyphemus. Well, this quote makes me imagine that and makes me relax just to imagine that tropical island.    


  • With all the evidence that gives the book, I can said that Clarisse is not very intelligent and she just thinks of himself. I have a couple of questions, what kind of person bothers a monster were he is very angry?. Who said that your friend is a satyr to a monster that he really likes satyrs?, that is really dumb if you are in problems and trying to escape. But, I will imagine that Clarisse in the next chapters will act more intelligent with his life and friends. 

Sunday, August 16, 2015

What a Indestructible and Amazing Enemy of Percy!!!


  • Well, on the next chapters number #nine, 10, 11 and 12, Percy had the worst luck in all the book, for me. Because in chapter nine Percy, Annabeth and Tyson were trap in the restrooms in a ghost ship with monsters and Luke, so Annabeth use his invisible cap to get pass the guards until they got to a corridor and there was the part that Tyson said that he can hear what Luke was saying in a part of the boat, so he repeated what he said, it was creepy!  and after a few minutes Tyson said it was too late all the monsters and Luke surround them he make them prisoners. Luke told them he had a plan with the Golden Fleece, the same one the three are also searching, when two monsters (Oreius and his brother) Agrius were taken them to the cells they could escape in a lifeboat inside the Ocean, they use the Thermos of Hermes to go fast. In the next chapter they were on the boat in the sea and they can communicate with Chiron but the frequency was really bad. After hours they finally made it they got to Virginia Beach, they got out the boat and they could see far away another boat that was chasing them, Annabeth said she had a hiding place near so they walk until they got to a hiding place inside in a tree, she said she build this place when she was little with Thalia and Luke. But right after Tyson go to buy some snacks and Annabeth and Percy were talking a monster attacked it was Hydra, Percy take his pen/sword and cut the heads of Hydra but he dont remembered that when you cut a head of Hydra more heads grow and the only way to kill Hydra is with fire, behind the monster they hear a familiar voice that just said FIRE!!!, a cannon behind shoot hydra and exploted into pieces that familiar voice was Clarisse (daughter of lord Ares, god of war) she just save the day. After that chapter Clarisse make the three of them got into his navy ship that gave his dad and all his tripulation were zombies, she said that the three were expelled of the camp by Tantalus and were in big trouble. But meanwhile Clarisse told them she was going for the fleece and the only way was by the Sea of Monsters and the entrance to that sea is protected by two big monsters, Charybdis and Scylla. The next morning they got attacked, almost all the zombies got eaten, the ship was in fire and Tyson offered to fix the boat cause he was inmiune to fire but it was too late the boat exploted and Tyson was gone forever. And on chapter 12 Clarisse and Percy separeted into two different boats, Annabeth and Percy got to a island that was a resort it was strange, and in there they just got attacked by the goddess Cyrce, she transformed Percy into a guinea pig but Annabeth could save Percy and other pigs that were trap there a long time. They escape in the ship of the son of Ares that they rescue, and guess what... the ship was THE QUENN ANNE`S REVENGE. 


  •  " "Where are my manners?" Luke said smoothly. "These are my assistants, Agrius and Oreius. Perhaps you`ve heard of them." "You don`t know Agrius and Oreius`s story?" Luke asked. "Their mother . . . well, it`s sad, really. "
  • "Confussion", that`s what I think of this quotes, because the real story of the two Monsters is different of the book. Agrius and Oreius are one big scary bear that in his inside there are the spirits of two brothers. And in the book they just are two monsters, that one of the brothers are dumb. So is completely different and confusing for me, that part of the book. 






  • In conclusion, this book have a lot of surprising chapters that leave the reader with more emotion to keep reading. Just imagine, Queen Anne`s Revenge keep existing in the year 2015 that is amazing. The author of the book have a lot of brilliant ideas but some parts for me are confusing me. I hope in all the next chapters Luke will not win with his plan.  

Friday, August 7, 2015

An Unexpected Brother


  • This is what happened after the first four chapters, well In the fifth chapter night fell on the camp all the cabins met in the dining room for dinner, from Athena`s cabin, Ares cabin, Hephaestus cabin, Demeter`s, Apollo`s, Aphrodite`s, Hermes, Naiads came from the lake and Dryads from the trees, also a lot of satyrs come and the camp director Mr. D (Dionysus, God of Wine and Partying) appears. On the dining room Mr. D annunciate that Chiron was gone and the new camp instructor director was... (Tantalus) also known by his eternal punishment by his dad Zeus in the deep of Tartarus (the underworld, goberned by lord Hades, God of the underworld). Tantalus was really scared an ugly, he saw Percy with a look of angry and disgust, Tantalus presented to all the campers except Tyson because he was a monster he don`t understand how he could enter to the camp but Percy explain that he gave the permission for he could enter, Tantalus got a little impresed of his action but then he said he will not have a cabin were to spend the night unless a god reeclame him as a son, after a few seconds something crazy happened a trident of Poseidon appears above his head so that means Tyson the cyclop was son of Poseidon too and brother of Percy, all the campers got silence and surprised counting Percy, but now Tyson have a new home, cabin, and brother. In chapter six Percy got confused about the situation of his new cabin mate in the next few days of torture with Tantalus at the camp, one day Tantalus annunciate that tomorrow there will be a chariot race, all the cabins will have to make his own chariot with two persons but Tyson had already make one friend from Hephaestus cabin, Beckendorf was the name of the guy, long time ago Hephaestus work with cyclops in his armory so they have a conection of good friends, Beckendorf give armor to tyson for Percy`s chariot to get done and well structure, that night Percy got another dream from his friend Grover but this time he could talk with Grover on the dream, Grover told him that he needs help because he is trap in the island of Polyphemus (lord of the Cyclops) in middle of the Sea of Monsters or the Bermuda Triangle. In the next morning it was the great race all the chariots of the cabins were there, when the race started a few charriots felt and do a backflip Percy and Tyson were in a good place but when Percy look to the sky he saw there where a lot of Pigeons shouting and then the birds start to attack like missiles to all the camp, Percy and Annabeth remember that pigeons don`t like bad sounds so they got to the Big House on there charriots and they pick a classic CD of Chiron and started to play, the birs started to go and they saved the day but meanwhile in the chariot race Clarisse from Ares cabin cross the line and they have a new winner. And in chapter seven and eight Percy, Annabeth, and Tyson got punish by Tantalus for now reason but that night Percy was scared to have another dream from his fiend Grover, so he graved some cokes and snacks and he got to the river to look at the constellations and after a couple of minutes a strange figure appears, Percy took really hard to discovered who is it but then he realized that it was lord Hermes (God messenger and protector of thieves), he gave some tools to Percy for his journey to the Sea of Monsters and save his friend also he pointed to a ship crossing the lake, he said that that ship was his transport, I dont know why Hermes help Percy maybe is a tramp but I think it will tell in the next chapters. And in the last one they got to the ship with Tyson and Annabeth in the middle of the night but it was nobody it was a ghost sheep, so they slept a little and in the morning magically were turists something bad was happening then they noticed that there were monsters so they hide in the restrooms  and then they heared a familiar voice outside... it was Luke (son of Hermes), the one who in the first book almost killed Percy and stold the ligthning bolt and dissapeared, "this can not be true" I said in my inside.














  • "I began to realize there was nobody to hide from. I mean, sure it was the middle of the night, but we walked half the cabin doors and heared no sound behind any of them. "It`s a ghost ship," I murmured. "No," Tyson said, fiddling with the strap of his duffel bag. "Bad smell." (113)

  • This two quotes remember me that one day in the past summer happend something similarity to me. For example... when I went to a big cruise there were not too much people on the cruise. So it was like in the book, it was a ghost ship with almost nobody inside the ship. That really I think when I read this quote, that magical time in the ship with nobody just for me to have fun!!!  

      PARAGRAPH #3: In this chapters, from 5 to 8, I didn`t expect that Luke will reapear and less on a ship. I will like to meet new characters in the next chapters, like other monsters, gods, or other creatures from Ancient Greece. But what leaves me with interest is that Mr. D do not appear to much in the chapters so that is suspicious. THIS IS THE BEST BOOK EVER, I CAN STOP READING, I RECOMMEND THIS BOOK!!!









Wednesday, July 29, 2015

The Crusade of Half-Blood kid


  • In the first four chapters I read from the book, I can find out that all the sequels and chapters of Percy Jackson novels are connected. It all starts in the introduction, a boy named Percy Jackson, a half-blood so that means is son of a ancient god, Poseidon (God of the seas) well, he had a really scared dream of his best friend Grover, the satyr (son of a ancient satyr, PAN) In his dream his friend was in really big danger he was running away of a big shadow. When Percy woke up he saw a shadow in his window and after few seconds it disappeared, he got to the kitchen and there was his mom Sally, then he remember it was the last day of school without getting expel, he was excited because after school he will go to the best place for him, Camp Half-Blood the only safest place for half-bloods of monsters, but his mom talk with Percy about the situation in the camp, she said that he will not go this summer to camp because there were in big problems and danger in there, Percy got really upset and mad. In the second chapter, Percy go to school normally with Tyson his only two meter friend, Percy met him in the subway on a carton box, all school said that they just accepted Tyson because they had pain because he was dumb, In the period they had sports they play Dodgeball the two of them with other nerds vs. all the bullies lead by Matt Sloan, but it result that the bullies except Sloan become monsters, they converted into cannibals. The cannibals scared all the people in the gym, but Percy got amazed when a familiar figure appear in the gym, it was Annabeth other half-blood, daughter of Athena (Goddess of Strategy and Wisdom), she said to Percy follow her, the police and firefighters were there so they don`t have other choices just to obey. And finally in chapter three and four they just got into a crazy taxi with three old ladies that were blind, they drive so crazy and fast (they were invisible to mortals) Tyson have to vomit, also they told Percy about a Prophecy of him so he got confused and in the next chapter they reached to the camp but there was a problem, they saw it was under attack there were two Colchis bulls that breathe fire and the size of an elephant that were made by Hephaestus, the taxi drivers got so scared they said that they don`t have to pay Drachmas, and the other problem were that Thalia`s tree (dead half-blood girl, daughter of Zeus), protects the camp with a barrier from monsters like the bulls, it was poisoned from someone and the tree was dying slowly, the god`s thought that Chiron (Camp instructor director) have the fault because he had the responsibility to protect the tree from this danger situations and also his in charge of the poisons and the god`s think he is suspect of poisoned the tree, so Percy realized that the camp was in really big problems.


  • "Meriwether Prep had adopted Tyson as a community service project so all the students could feel good about themselves. Unfortunately, most of them couldn`t  stand Tyson. Once they discovered he was a big softie, despite his massive strength and his scary looks, they made themselves feel good by picking on him. I was pretty much his only friend, which meant he was my only friend. My mom had complained to the school a million times that they weren`t doing enough to help him. She`d called social services, but nothing ever seemed to happen. The social workers claimed Tyson didn`t exist. They swore up and down that they`d visited the alley we described and couldn`t find him, though how you miss a giant kid living in a refrigerator box, I don`t know." page # (9) and (10) 

  • Well, I find it interesting this quotes because every time I read this little part of the book I can imagine how difficult and brave the life of Tyson is, with bullying every day and just with one friend how brave Tyson is. And the other thing I find interesting in this quotes is that I have a big question in my mind. What kind of a private school will accepted a kid that have problems with his brain?. Why the private school don`t send the kid to a special schools with special kids?. Why private school don`t do nothing about the bullying?.


  • I really like to read this book inside my body I`m telling myself "OMG" what is going to happen next, I can not really stop reading this awesome book. I will like in the next chapters happen that everybody will accept Tyson in the camp as a normal kid and good friend, that will make me happy. What I really learned of this story is the true concept of bullying, is the worst thing you can do to a person so basically that is theme. In the end of chapter four what it really leave me inside is that something really bad is going to happen to the camp and half-bloods, "THIS KIDS HAVE THE WORST LUCK EVER!!!"