Friday, August 21, 2015

What a Brave Brother!!!


  • In the chapters # 13, 14, 15 and 16 Percy and Annabeth got into the QUENN ANNES`S REVENGE to the sea, they navigate for days in the Sea of Monsters and Annabeth told Percy the story of how they kill Thalia and why she don`t like Cyclops. While they were in the ocean they saw a island with a volcano, Annabeth said that it was one of the forges of Hephaestus were he do his stuff with metal like the Colchis Bulls, they surrounded the island because they don`t want problems and far away they saw another island that looks like the island of his dream were Grover was trapped, but they finally did it, it was the Cyclops island. When they got to the island, they saw big sheep on the beach and guess what... they were carnivorous, they jump off the boat and instead of go to the beach they surrounded it. They climb and climb, they almost go down but when they realized they were above the cave of the Cyclops, they hide and saw that below was Grover, Polyphemus, and Clarisse??!!, she survived but she ruined everything because she said the Cyclops that Grover was a Satyr, Grover said Polyphemus that he can ate him with mangos and sauce. So Cyclops go far way to the beach, Annabeth and Percy do a plan she distracted Polyphemus with his invisible cap meanwhile Percy got to the cave and there was Clarisse and Grover, Grover hugged Percy. They 3 escaped the cave but the Cyclops got Annabeth that was unconscious but one rock fall and hit the head of the Cyclops and it was TYSON!!! Percy got really happy but there was no time to be happy, Percy told Tyson to go to one oaken tree that was the Golden Fleece, Tyson was a Cyclops so the sheep will not do nothing to him, meanwhile the 3 of us go swimming to the ship but Clarisse have the brilliant idea to keep bothering the big Polyphemus, so the Cyclops gather a tree a throw it to the ship, and finally the ship sink and they got in a big problem.    


  • "When you think "monster island," you think craggy rocks and bones scattered on the beach like the island of the Sirens. But except for that, the place looked like a Caribbean postcard. It had green fields and tropical fruit trees and white beaches."

  • This quotes of the book remember me when I went to Cancún, it was so beautiful and relaxing that I don`t want to go. There were bunch of activities, and the beaches were white, and the ocean was so transparent I could see the fish. In Cancún was a lot of nature like in the book and also there were caverns like the one of Polyphemus. Well, this quote makes me imagine that and makes me relax just to imagine that tropical island.    


  • With all the evidence that gives the book, I can said that Clarisse is not very intelligent and she just thinks of himself. I have a couple of questions, what kind of person bothers a monster were he is very angry?. Who said that your friend is a satyr to a monster that he really likes satyrs?, that is really dumb if you are in problems and trying to escape. But, I will imagine that Clarisse in the next chapters will act more intelligent with his life and friends. 

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