Friday, August 7, 2015

An Unexpected Brother


  • This is what happened after the first four chapters, well In the fifth chapter night fell on the camp all the cabins met in the dining room for dinner, from Athena`s cabin, Ares cabin, Hephaestus cabin, Demeter`s, Apollo`s, Aphrodite`s, Hermes, Naiads came from the lake and Dryads from the trees, also a lot of satyrs come and the camp director Mr. D (Dionysus, God of Wine and Partying) appears. On the dining room Mr. D annunciate that Chiron was gone and the new camp instructor director was... (Tantalus) also known by his eternal punishment by his dad Zeus in the deep of Tartarus (the underworld, goberned by lord Hades, God of the underworld). Tantalus was really scared an ugly, he saw Percy with a look of angry and disgust, Tantalus presented to all the campers except Tyson because he was a monster he don`t understand how he could enter to the camp but Percy explain that he gave the permission for he could enter, Tantalus got a little impresed of his action but then he said he will not have a cabin were to spend the night unless a god reeclame him as a son, after a few seconds something crazy happened a trident of Poseidon appears above his head so that means Tyson the cyclop was son of Poseidon too and brother of Percy, all the campers got silence and surprised counting Percy, but now Tyson have a new home, cabin, and brother. In chapter six Percy got confused about the situation of his new cabin mate in the next few days of torture with Tantalus at the camp, one day Tantalus annunciate that tomorrow there will be a chariot race, all the cabins will have to make his own chariot with two persons but Tyson had already make one friend from Hephaestus cabin, Beckendorf was the name of the guy, long time ago Hephaestus work with cyclops in his armory so they have a conection of good friends, Beckendorf give armor to tyson for Percy`s chariot to get done and well structure, that night Percy got another dream from his friend Grover but this time he could talk with Grover on the dream, Grover told him that he needs help because he is trap in the island of Polyphemus (lord of the Cyclops) in middle of the Sea of Monsters or the Bermuda Triangle. In the next morning it was the great race all the chariots of the cabins were there, when the race started a few charriots felt and do a backflip Percy and Tyson were in a good place but when Percy look to the sky he saw there where a lot of Pigeons shouting and then the birds start to attack like missiles to all the camp, Percy and Annabeth remember that pigeons don`t like bad sounds so they got to the Big House on there charriots and they pick a classic CD of Chiron and started to play, the birs started to go and they saved the day but meanwhile in the chariot race Clarisse from Ares cabin cross the line and they have a new winner. And in chapter seven and eight Percy, Annabeth, and Tyson got punish by Tantalus for now reason but that night Percy was scared to have another dream from his fiend Grover, so he graved some cokes and snacks and he got to the river to look at the constellations and after a couple of minutes a strange figure appears, Percy took really hard to discovered who is it but then he realized that it was lord Hermes (God messenger and protector of thieves), he gave some tools to Percy for his journey to the Sea of Monsters and save his friend also he pointed to a ship crossing the lake, he said that that ship was his transport, I dont know why Hermes help Percy maybe is a tramp but I think it will tell in the next chapters. And in the last one they got to the ship with Tyson and Annabeth in the middle of the night but it was nobody it was a ghost sheep, so they slept a little and in the morning magically were turists something bad was happening then they noticed that there were monsters so they hide in the restrooms  and then they heared a familiar voice outside... it was Luke (son of Hermes), the one who in the first book almost killed Percy and stold the ligthning bolt and dissapeared, "this can not be true" I said in my inside.














  • "I began to realize there was nobody to hide from. I mean, sure it was the middle of the night, but we walked half the cabin doors and heared no sound behind any of them. "It`s a ghost ship," I murmured. "No," Tyson said, fiddling with the strap of his duffel bag. "Bad smell." (113)

  • This two quotes remember me that one day in the past summer happend something similarity to me. For example... when I went to a big cruise there were not too much people on the cruise. So it was like in the book, it was a ghost ship with almost nobody inside the ship. That really I think when I read this quote, that magical time in the ship with nobody just for me to have fun!!!  

      PARAGRAPH #3: In this chapters, from 5 to 8, I didn`t expect that Luke will reapear and less on a ship. I will like to meet new characters in the next chapters, like other monsters, gods, or other creatures from Ancient Greece. But what leaves me with interest is that Mr. D do not appear to much in the chapters so that is suspicious. THIS IS THE BEST BOOK EVER, I CAN STOP READING, I RECOMMEND THIS BOOK!!!









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