Thursday, August 27, 2015



  • This book has been one of my favorites ever, so this is what it happens in the last increadible chapters. After they scaped the island with the hippocampus they travel a long distance until they got to Miami Beach, they told Clarisse to go to the airport with the fleece and flight to the camp, so she take a taxi and do that. When she go the 4 of them turn around and there was Luke. He take them to the cruise and Percy had a plan, with his only drachma he pray to the gods for something, while luke was telling his evil plan and saying that Chiron had not the fault, he turn around and there was Mr. D, Tantalus, and all the campers in a vision, Mr. D said that Chiron can came back as director instuctor and Tantalus can go back to the underworld, Luke got really anrgy. Percy told Luke to do a duel, they figth and fight until... a lot of centaurs attacked the ship including Chiron, they escaped to a base and there Chiron talk about his history, he was son of lord kronos, the Titan. They arrived to the camp and nobody noticed because they were celebrating Clarisse bringing the fleece and one more time protecting the camp, Chiron annaunced that there will be another Chariot race so Tyson worked on a really good Chariot, with some big problems Percy and Annabeth won the race. After that Tyson talk to Percy that he needs to go, to an expedition Poseidon told him underwater, they both said goodbye and hugged. The next morning Percy got wake up like other campers, Grover said that Annabeth was in Thalia`s tree and there was a problem. Percy go with Chiron to the top to hill and they saw there was a girl, and believe it or not guess who is it... it was Thalia, daughter of Zeuz, the girl who die. BANG!!! what a great ending of the book.








  • "That`s when I turned and found a sword`s point at my throat. "Hey, cuz," said Luke. "Welcome back to the States." His bear-man thugs appeared on either of side of us."

    • This quotes make me have one single question for the author, How Luke got really fast from the triangle to Miami Beach on his ship?. That kind of data dont have common scense, and that is kind of impossible. But is just fantasy, so it`s not very important this info for kids. But if it will be true, just imagine... flight from NY to LONDON, in five 5 hours, HA HA HA.



    • Well, I guess this is the ending, is a little sad but what really makes me happy was reading and ejoying the book. I could say to Rick Riordan that I will keep reading his series of books. I think MR. Riordan had a lot of imagination and inspiration to create Percy and his adventures. And the most important thing for me of the book is that, I DONT HAVE PROBLEMS TO READING THE BOOK AND UNDERSTANDING, KEEP READING!!!















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