Sunday, August 16, 2015

What a Indestructible and Amazing Enemy of Percy!!!


  • Well, on the next chapters number #nine, 10, 11 and 12, Percy had the worst luck in all the book, for me. Because in chapter nine Percy, Annabeth and Tyson were trap in the restrooms in a ghost ship with monsters and Luke, so Annabeth use his invisible cap to get pass the guards until they got to a corridor and there was the part that Tyson said that he can hear what Luke was saying in a part of the boat, so he repeated what he said, it was creepy!  and after a few minutes Tyson said it was too late all the monsters and Luke surround them he make them prisoners. Luke told them he had a plan with the Golden Fleece, the same one the three are also searching, when two monsters (Oreius and his brother) Agrius were taken them to the cells they could escape in a lifeboat inside the Ocean, they use the Thermos of Hermes to go fast. In the next chapter they were on the boat in the sea and they can communicate with Chiron but the frequency was really bad. After hours they finally made it they got to Virginia Beach, they got out the boat and they could see far away another boat that was chasing them, Annabeth said she had a hiding place near so they walk until they got to a hiding place inside in a tree, she said she build this place when she was little with Thalia and Luke. But right after Tyson go to buy some snacks and Annabeth and Percy were talking a monster attacked it was Hydra, Percy take his pen/sword and cut the heads of Hydra but he dont remembered that when you cut a head of Hydra more heads grow and the only way to kill Hydra is with fire, behind the monster they hear a familiar voice that just said FIRE!!!, a cannon behind shoot hydra and exploted into pieces that familiar voice was Clarisse (daughter of lord Ares, god of war) she just save the day. After that chapter Clarisse make the three of them got into his navy ship that gave his dad and all his tripulation were zombies, she said that the three were expelled of the camp by Tantalus and were in big trouble. But meanwhile Clarisse told them she was going for the fleece and the only way was by the Sea of Monsters and the entrance to that sea is protected by two big monsters, Charybdis and Scylla. The next morning they got attacked, almost all the zombies got eaten, the ship was in fire and Tyson offered to fix the boat cause he was inmiune to fire but it was too late the boat exploted and Tyson was gone forever. And on chapter 12 Clarisse and Percy separeted into two different boats, Annabeth and Percy got to a island that was a resort it was strange, and in there they just got attacked by the goddess Cyrce, she transformed Percy into a guinea pig but Annabeth could save Percy and other pigs that were trap there a long time. They escape in the ship of the son of Ares that they rescue, and guess what... the ship was THE QUENN ANNE`S REVENGE. 


  •  " "Where are my manners?" Luke said smoothly. "These are my assistants, Agrius and Oreius. Perhaps you`ve heard of them." "You don`t know Agrius and Oreius`s story?" Luke asked. "Their mother . . . well, it`s sad, really. "
  • "Confussion", that`s what I think of this quotes, because the real story of the two Monsters is different of the book. Agrius and Oreius are one big scary bear that in his inside there are the spirits of two brothers. And in the book they just are two monsters, that one of the brothers are dumb. So is completely different and confusing for me, that part of the book. 






  • In conclusion, this book have a lot of surprising chapters that leave the reader with more emotion to keep reading. Just imagine, Queen Anne`s Revenge keep existing in the year 2015 that is amazing. The author of the book have a lot of brilliant ideas but some parts for me are confusing me. I hope in all the next chapters Luke will not win with his plan.  

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