Sunday, October 11, 2015

Joey is very BOLD!!!


  • Since chapter 5 to 8, Joey has rebelled. First, Joey and Kate went to the museum of downtown but when they got there they get the surprise of Hank the bully of the school, after they traveled the museum Hank saw Joey´s father he went to greet, but Joey was shame of his father. Then second, Kate told Joey about the job of his father, he work in the newspaper a very important job. Third Joey stay late in the night because he suspected about Ma and he was true, Joey hear Pa discussing with Ma about, from were does she get money to buy things in the market, it was a long discussion. And in the last chapter, Kate said to Joey that they fired his dad with no reason from the newspaper but also Joey make a plan, he went to Mr. Dillons`s house dressed of someone else, when they got to the house he insult him with a lot of words, after Dillon stay in shock they run away with exciting and laughing. 


  • "What`s the matter with you, Joey? That was your father, wasn`t it? He does look like you, a little. Joey! Aren`t you going to say anything?" Page # 28.

  • This just simple quote of the book makes me remember that in my life there is a connection between me and this phrase. Because sometimes I also are shame of my parents when I am with my friends. They still feel that I am a baby, and I don`t like that anymore. And that`s what I think Joey felt when he saw his father, but also it was not the fault of Pa he was just working. 


  • In conclusion, this other 4 chapters were interesting for me because Joey is having days with better luck. But I have one question for the author, Does this story happened in real life? Does it happened to someone in your family? Because if it happened to someone just to let you know that person is very brave.

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