Sunday, October 25, 2015

STOLE!, is the new Cool!


  • In this chapter almost nothing interesting happened. First Joey infiltrate with Newt, (the milk delivery man), to Mr. Dillon`s house to investigate something Joey was feeling, after a moment they ran broking the window and escaping, but the bad new was that a neighbor watched them. Then, Joey got home and Ma told him that police was searching for him because they believed he stole something from Mr. Dillon`s house. But they were incorrect, Pa don`t trust him so Joey reveled something that he find out, he said to Ma and Pa that all the things that Mr. Dillon has are stolen because he stoled all the money from all the people that work for him. After this, a terrible thing happened the National Bank of the city closed their doors, and all the money from Kate`s dad was lost, so Kate and his family was suffering and Joey was feeling bad about the situation. And the end winter had just started, civilians like Jew people were marching because of the bank, but the most important was the story of Pa that said to Joey when he was at the army.    


  • "Joey! What`s going on? You`re in bad trouble!" Ma said. "What`d I do now?" "The police think you stole from Mr. Dillon! They were here for an hour-they just left." Page # 63.
  • This quote makes me have a some very good questions for the author. If cops were searching Joey desperate why do they leave? If they are really professional cops they need to stay and wait for the suspicious victim. So this confuse me a little bit, the author needs to think on this please!!!   


  • And after I said goodbye I will let this song for you, this is what I think of this four chapters of the book. OMG!!!, also I think this because I don`t know I feel is getting more and more excited this book full of lessons.

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