Tuesday, November 29, 2016

This is way to dramatic...

A different capture the flag

- After dinnertime, and serving the food for the gods, they all prepare for a capture the flag game at the forest. But this time it was different with the new trainer, this time they will need to fight five different monsters to win. So they divide up in teams of two, Percy was with Annabeth and both entered the forest, they got caught by the first monster that was an enormous scorpion and then all the monsters appeared, also scorpions. Before they fight they fall in a hole, it was dark and scared, Annabeth find in the wall Dedalus symbol (the creator of the labyrinth), so that just means they find the entrance to the labyrinth. When everyone were informed, Percy went to his cabin were there he find his half-brother cyclops Tyson, he cleaned all the cabin, they talk and laugh. And when they were at sleep Percy got an Iris Message that show him a bad vision. 

An idea, no more... 

- "What did we find?, she turned worry, "An entrance to the labyrinth, an invasion route" (61). 

- I only just want to say that for me it´s awesome that there could be a whole labyrinth below the whole United States. But there is a problem, they need to find out how they will defend their selfs from the supposing invasion to the whole camp, ay ya yai.   

Seriously, I don´t know what they`l do!

- Okay, okay there might be a problem, a big one they will need to confront but I don´t know how they will do it. First of all they should try to stop the enemy army before they cross that secret passage. But if that do not work, they should be prepared in the camp with strategical defenses and more allies and the help of the gods, that will be their only chance and hope seeing it from my view of point, hope it will be like I predicted, we need to pray, do you hear me? PRAY! 


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