Tuesday, November 29, 2016

This is way to dramatic...

A different capture the flag

- After dinnertime, and serving the food for the gods, they all prepare for a capture the flag game at the forest. But this time it was different with the new trainer, this time they will need to fight five different monsters to win. So they divide up in teams of two, Percy was with Annabeth and both entered the forest, they got caught by the first monster that was an enormous scorpion and then all the monsters appeared, also scorpions. Before they fight they fall in a hole, it was dark and scared, Annabeth find in the wall Dedalus symbol (the creator of the labyrinth), so that just means they find the entrance to the labyrinth. When everyone were informed, Percy went to his cabin were there he find his half-brother cyclops Tyson, he cleaned all the cabin, they talk and laugh. And when they were at sleep Percy got an Iris Message that show him a bad vision. 

An idea, no more... 

- "What did we find?, she turned worry, "An entrance to the labyrinth, an invasion route" (61). 

- I only just want to say that for me it´s awesome that there could be a whole labyrinth below the whole United States. But there is a problem, they need to find out how they will defend their selfs from the supposing invasion to the whole camp, ay ya yai.   

Seriously, I don´t know what they`l do!

- Okay, okay there might be a problem, a big one they will need to confront but I don´t know how they will do it. First of all they should try to stop the enemy army before they cross that secret passage. But if that do not work, they should be prepared in the camp with strategical defenses and more allies and the help of the gods, that will be their only chance and hope seeing it from my view of point, hope it will be like I predicted, we need to pray, do you hear me? PRAY! 


New activities at the camp!

What a nice schedule of Percy Jackson! 

- Well, after Percy got to the camp he go to search Chiron, but he did not find him, so he went to the arena to practice a little bit. In there he met with his new instructor Quintus, that is replacing Mr. D (Dynisus God of Wine and Principle of the Camp). They were talking but after that just Chiron appeared and Percy told him everything, he take him to the congress of satyrs were Grover was there. Grover is the best friend satyr of Percy, the congress were warning him that he has a limit of time to find Pan. After that they went to dinner time were everyone was there celebrating and enjoying while Chiron received the news that Luke, the enemy of Percy, is trying to attack the Camp someday threw the labyrinth.    

I have a worry... 

- "The magical borders have kept this camp safe for hundreds of years" (46).

- This quote had let me some questions in my mind that are the next ones. If they say that they have been protected for years, why on the past books monsters had entered into the camp with no problem? So I think that´s a bad use of language in the book they need to fix it, because there have been furies that entered that special camp, so the author make a mistake.  

It´s getting better and better!

- I have to admit that this book is getting better and better, I don´t know what type of language those the author use but it makes me feel special about it. It´s like I enter the story or like I am imagine it like a movie. So whenever I start reading a Percy Jackson novel, I want to finish instantly because it´s so amazing. 

Again and Again, he will be here!

Will he be out of danger sometime?

- With the new Percy Jackson novel that is called "The Battle of the Labyrinth", that I have already read and I had refreshed my mind. Percy is trapped on another adventure in the summer, and you know that means danger everywhere. But this time he is on a new school, but like always he destroy all their schools thanks to monsters. After he escaped the school with Annabeth, both went straight to the Camp Half-Blood. When they got there, it was just like a normal day on the camp, all the campers realizing different activities and all the instructors helping too and the sound of nature. So when Percy got there he went to talk to Chiron, the centaur, who was the second in command, who knows what they talk about it.  

Peace by one moment... 

- " Camp Half-Blood looked peaceful-green fields, forest, shiny white Greek buildings" (21). 

- I chose this quote because I think it has a connection to my life, not an exactly, but a similar that is. One day at vacations, I went to Cartagena-Colombia and when I got there I had the same expression as Percy. I got to the hotel, I saw the ocean and it was peaceful and beautiful like Camp Half-Blood.  

What will happen? 

- In conclusion I am very excited of what will happen on the next chapters. What will be his new adventure, what will say to Chiron. So I have bunch of questions to ask, because this book will be so fun and awesome. 

Sunday, August 14, 2016

They deserved Vacations

Atlas is defeated, by now...

- So I´m gladly to say but also a little bit sad that this is the ending of this adventure threw this awesome and interesting book, it´s have been an honor to share it. The last thing were they stay, they were being surround it by Atlas, Kronos second commander. They do an improvised plan and attack the monsters and liberate Annabeth and Artemis, they defeat Atlas for now, but Zoe was injured very bad. She passed away and become a constelation at the sky, everyone go to Mount Olympus to dicuss a plan with the gods. They all get to an agreement, that was to make everything possible to destroy the monsters and go all to an end. After this adventure, Percy decide to take few months of vacations and that´s the end. :)

A bad feeling

- ""You promised you would protect her," Nico said. "I shouldn`t have trusted you."" (307). 

- I chose this last quote because I think I have a connection to a moment in my life. Was when some friend also get mad at me and treat me at the exact same way. It was difficult to been treated like this but then he forgive me.   

Time to say Goodbye 

- In conclusion, we finally are at the end, I will ever love Percy Jacksons´s series and I will always love to share with the reader. But I think this book was the best of all of them, it´s been a pleasure to be connected to you, see ya!   

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Home, Sweet Home

Zöe arrived home!

- When the big flying statues drop them in San Francisco bay, they go for help to Annabeth`s father. He was a ice men that gave them food and his car, after they go from the house Zöe had an idea were to go. To home, it was near although and it was on a island, were his sisters nymphs and the big guardian dragon. When they almost were there, the dragon from a far distance shoot a lava ball to them, they make it out of the car but the Volkswägen destroyed. They made it to the island and Zoe beg to their sisters for help but she don´t belong to that place anymore, a few minutes later the dragon was about to wake up and Zoe and the others run. But when they were out they were surround by all types of monsters, mercenaries, Luke and the general that his name is Atlas, and that´s when Zoe was surprised because Atlas is his Father, Ooooaw!  

I also had it!

- "We turned. The General was standing there in his brown silk suit. At his side were Luke and half a dozen dracaenae bearing the golden sarcophagus of Kronos." (260). 

- I have a kind of connection with this quote but honestly I don´t think it´s the best connection to it but I tell you. One time I also got surround like this on Paintball, we were only my team vs. bunch of guys. We got surrounded and they don´t have mercy not like the book, it was just a tragedy and we lost that day :( 


- In conclusion, I almost will finish this book and I will finish blogging for a while but I had a really good connection with the reader. I will ever like the Percy Jackson novels, there are one of my favorite books. But what I like more are the characters of the story, the gods are awesome I will like to be Ares, I think it´s cool. 

Monday, July 25, 2016

The Plaza, hideout of MONSTERS!!!

Let´s chill at the Plaza

- After Percy and the others ran away from the junkyard, they arrived to a normal plaza with people and food, so they stay there to rest a little bit. Percy like always go to explore the plaza, he explored a lot that he was on a museum there at the plaza. That´s when a mortal ask Percy a bunch of questions that surprised him, after few minutes he saw a group of skeletons that get out from the elevator that where searching for him. The mortal hide Percy at the bathroom and she distract the group from him so he can ran to the elevator and get out of there. He was trying to find his friends and he find them but it was too late, skeletons from all sides were surrounding them at the center of the plaza were the Zeus statue was. So Thalia pray for his father´s help, and I think he listened because to enormous helpers of Zeus with wings get them out from the plaza, and one more time they escaped danger with a miracle.  

I have a question...

- "The doors opened with a pleasant ding, and three more skeletons warriors stepped out." (216).  

- I had chose this piece of text, because I have a simple question for the author about it that is the next one. Why did you create the skeletons as a monster that don´t destroyed?, first of all there are every kind of rare and big monsters and then he make the little skeletons. So I think it´s a rare combination because skeletons are from fairy tales. And second, I think skeletons are weak and easy to defeat not like the book.  

How will he feel?

- In conclusion, I always had a question to Percy after he escaped every attack, and I don´t wait his respond. How do you feel after all the chaos?, I think he feel with a beat of dancing with excitement. Talking about dancing it reminds me a very good song it´s famous you will see.  

Thursday, July 21, 2016

That´s a weird Junk-Yard

Gods have a JUNKYARD...

- After they could make it from the museum, Percy, Thalia, Grover, Zoe and Bianca loaded a cargo train that take them to Arizona. When they arrived it was a desert land and they were hungry, and that´s when Ares, the god of war arrived on a limo, Ares make SNAPPP... with his fingers and a restaurant appear of nowhere, so Percy´s friends go to eat but he stay to talk the women on the limo. When he enter the car, he saw Aphrodite, the goddess of love, she told Percy that he was about to enter his ex-husband junkyard, Hephaestus god of blacksmith and craft weaponry. She say he should have careful of not touching anything form there or dead will be waiting for them. So Percy and the others enter the junkyard, it was like an enormous labyrinth, but thanks to Thalia they could make it out, but that´s when a huge mechanic figure was there, it was Talos, he was there because Bianca take an object from there. Well they fight him, until Bianca had a plan very difficult but no matter what she made it and defeat Talos, but the enormous figure fall into Bianca, very sadly she died, after this tragedy Percy and the other keep moving very sad, poor of them and Bianca di´Angelo.   

It also happens to me!    

- ""Someone took something," Zoe said. Bianca did´t say anything. I could swear she looked guilty, but I did´t have much time to think about it." (193). 

- I pick this quote because I think it connects to a moment in my life that I accidentally committed. This connects to, when I was little sometimes I stoled candy from the candy shop. And mostly of the times I was ashamed just like Bianca di´Angelo. So I think I could feel how she feels when she stole something and don´t face the problems.   

Will he let it go... 

- In conclusion, I think Percy is very deep in his body a lot of sadness and suffer about the loss of Bianca, he said it was himself fault of Bianca´s dead. But the real question is, will he be able to keep going into the mission?. Who knows?, maybe now he will be more furious and he will be able to stop the general.