Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Why the The Nemea Lion, is on Washington Museum???

Always on Trouble 

- The four of the campers were already on the quest, and Percy like always, he was following them with his horse Pegasus. They were already at Washington D.C., and they decide it to go to the museum. Percy hide on a factory near the museum, but he did´t know that the factory was the secret base of all the monsters and mercenaries that want to destroy the gods, their general: the second hand of Kronos. Percy hear all their plans, to liberate Kronos and destroy all the gods and demigods including Artemis, the god of the hunters. Unfortunately they hear Percy and chase him, he could enter the museum and their friends seem surprised to see him, but that´s when they see a monster transformed into the stronger lion of the world, the Lion of Nemea. They do a very strategic plan to defeat the lion, so they could make it, Percy take the skin of the lion that could be use as shield because is so strong, they ran away and now Percy it´s on the quest too.  

Good Sensation on the Museum 

- "Something enormous bounded up the ramp. It was the size of a pick-up truck, with silver claws and golden glittering fur. I´d seen this monster once before. Two years ago, I´d glimpsed it briefly from a train. Now, up close and personal, it looked even bigger. The Nemea Lion." (140).

- I have chosen this quote because I react very amazed when the author create The Nemea Lion on this scene. I think it´s pretty cool how the worst enemy of Hercules appear to this kids, and how they kill the lion. The author make a good job, he put a taste of suspense in that part, and also I think the lion it´s a really good creation. They say that his skin is so hard that it could be use as shield, and his scars are like swords that is why it´s so scared. 

The Luck of Poseidon 

- In conclusion I think Percy Jackson has all the luck of all times, I don´t know if it´s from his father or it´s natural. This book is getting me so excited about it that I could not stop reading it over the nights. I tell you that is so excited that it remains me my favorite song of rock, that is:

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