Thursday, June 9, 2016


New Appereance

- Perseus Jackson, the demigod, better know as Percy Jackson, yeah he is back with the new book part "Percy Jackson: Titan´s Curse". After his last exciting summer with his new brother and friends, he had appear again for another adventure. He is on a special mission on finding new Demigods for the camp, they find two of them but like always there are monsters a danger one, this creature kill Anabeth, Percy´s best friend. With Percy´s sadness, Artemis and his hunters came out of the woods and kill the monster. None of us will know why, one of the demigods (the girl) joined the hunters. All of them came back to the camp for answers, so the Oracle said them there´s a big quest to exterminate it, 4 should go and 1 will die. So they decide that 2 campers will go (not Percy) and 2 hunters will also go, but you know Percy can´t do that so he decide it to follow them and breake the rules, what adventures will be for him?!?!!


Should I Follow...

- "You´re planning to go anyway, aren´t you?" "He looked me in the eyes, and I somehow couldn´t lie to him" "Yeah" I said." Page #119 

- I think this quote of the book connects to my life by the next way. Sometimes I also wan´t to introduce secretly to places that my friends go and I´m not invited, I think that´s really bad but I´m connected with Percy.

Could you try?

- I think this book is awesome, I ever liked all the series and the movies, the story so far has been so exciting. I could´t imagine how the end will be, there are so much probabilities and that´s what I liked most of the books. I have a question for Percy, Could you try not to get always in trouble near dead?, because literary in all the books Percy starts the trouble just like his dad Poseidon. In conclusion I will like to know of they rescue Anabeth from the underworld and everybody live happy forever.